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Why we believe in the STAR Platform

Traditional casting agencies connect clients and talents. However, they only focus on the professional top of the market where margins are profitable enough. Their interference is the cause of a slow and expensive booking process. STAR changes this whole model by cutting out the middleman and opening up the complete market.

The next step is blockchain technology, offering great advantages like smart contracts, improved security, identity management and web decentralization. Because if we want to offer a booking process with full control and security in the hands of our clients and talents,  without having to worry about privacy, legislations and regulations, we need the blockchain.

For agents and creators

Most clients, like companies, brands and retail stores, prefer a fast, easy and cheap casting process to find the right talents for their jobs. To justify their casting fees, traditional casting agencies need a process in which their involvement is more crucial. This results in a slow, expensive and frustrating casting process with fewer insights and more communication on the clients’ side.

We believe that clients are perfectly able to select the right talents themselves, as long as they are provided with the right tools. And that’s exactly what we are going to provide here at STAR.

For talents

Today’s market is built around professional talents. There is a large pool of semi-professionals and amateurs who are very enthusiastic to enter the market and explore their creative passion. However, in the current market they are ignored by the major agencies, left struggling with side- issues like marketing, administration, legal and tax regulations.

STAR creates new markets for all those millions of talents around the world who want to take control of their own future and career path. We offer them a place to shine and a struggle- free booking process in which they are in control of all data and agreements.

home header

Connecting the world of talents with creators

STAR is a platform that serves the whole casting industry from one place. Currently it acts as a matching platform where talents and clients can find each other fast, easy and at low costs. STAR is based on a unique matching algorithm, connecting the right talents with the right clients.

The STAR platform is already available in BETA, as our first launching talents and agents are using it. Since the first feedback our development team has already implemented many features, where many of which are feature you may expect from a connecting and matching platform.

Use the STAR platform anywhere, anytime (coming soon)

We will offer our STAR platform for mobile devices as soon as we think it’s ready. Our launching clients are currently using our BETA platform to engage with and hire talents for their creative projects. We launched our BETA platform for desktop devices first but found out in our early  trials that our clients and talents are looking for a better mobile experience. We expect our mobile platform to launch in the next phase of development.

Pre-sign up for the EIT Platform

    STAR Platform and Token roadmap

    • Phase 1


      • Vision to paper
      • 0.1v STAR platform
      • Outreach and sign 5 launching customers (clients)
      • Outreach and sign 20 talents
      • Early feedback and learnings in trial phase
      • Update vision and strategy
    • Phase 2

      Early stage

      • Development roadmap for STAR platform
      • Marketing strategy and planning
      • Move platform into BETA phase
      • Website launch for public
      • Twitter, Reddit, Telegram and Instagram
      • Launch of STAR Token
      • BSCScan verification
      • Coingecko Listing
      • PancakeSwap Add
    • Phase 3

      Level up

      • STAR Platform version 1.0
      • Launch marketing campaign (Everybody is Talented)
      • Upgrade corporate identity and website
      • Full focus on welcoming new talents
      • Marketing campaign to attract new creators and agents
      • Get first hires; Development and marketing
    • Phase 4


      • NFTize photos


    10% tax on every transaction

    Liquidity lock

    5% locked in liquidity


    5% redistributed to all STAR Token holders



    1 billion STAR Tokens.


    We will burn XYZ


    10% tax on all transactions with a redistribution of 5% to all holders and 5% towards liquidity.

    Development and marketing

    X% is allocated to our development and marketing efforts.

    How to purchase STAR Tokens

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    © Copyright 2021. All Rights Reserved - Everybody is Talented | Powered by STAR Token